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- /* PcodeObject.h */
- #ifndef Included_PcodeObject_h
- #define Included_PcodeObject_h
- /* PcodeObject module depends on */
- /* MiscInfo.h */
- /* Audit */
- /* Debug */
- /* Definitions */
- /* Memory */
- /* DataMunging */
- /* Stack indices are non-positive: 0 is the word on the */
- /* top of the stack and descending values (-1, -2, -3, ...) are words further */
- /* from the top of stack. */
- typedef enum
- {
- /* Unlinked function call. The function's name is known from compile time, but */
- /* the address has not been linked. The first parameter is the name of the */
- /* function (a string). The second parameter is the list of types of the */
- /* parameters for the function in question. The third parameter */
- /* is the return type of the function. The return address is pushed */
- /* onto the stack */
- epFuncCallUnresolved EXECUTE(= 16000),
- /* <opcode> ^"<functionname>" ^[paramlist] <returntype> <reserved> */
- /* Linked function call. The opcode epFuncCallUnresolved is converted to this */
- /* when first encountered and successfully linked. The first parameter is not */
- /* changed. The second parameter is released and converted to a pointer to */
- /* the appropriate function's PcodeRec. The third parameter */
- /* is the return type of the function. The return address is pushed */
- /* onto the stack */
- epFuncCallResolved,
- /* <opcode> ^"<functionname>" ^[paramlist] <returntype> ^<OpcodeRec> */
- /* Debugging function. If executed, it traps and presents the error message */
- /* to the user. It expects there to be a boolean on the stack which indicates */
- /* whether the user can resume or not. The boolean is popped if user resumes. */
- epErrorTrap, /* <opcode> ^"<errorstring>" */
- /* Branch instructions. The parameter is the absolute address within the */
- /* current block of code. Conditional branch instructions test and pop */
- /* the top of stack */
- epBranchUnconditional, /* <opcode> <branchoffset> */
- epBranchIfZero,
- epBranchIfNotZero,
- /* calling conventions: first, push a word on to reserve a place for the */
- /* return value. next, push the parameters on. then call the function (which */
- /* pushes the return address on). the function returns and pops the return */
- /* address off. then the function pops the parameters off from under return addr. */
- /* Return from subroutine. This instruction marks the end of code. The */
- /* address to jump to is contained in the top of the stack. This address is */
- /* popped off the stack and execution resumes at the new address. */
- epReturnFromSubroutine, /* <opcode> */
- /* Intrinsic operators. for binary operators, the right hand operand is on */
- /* top of the stack, and one word is popped. for unary operators, no words */
- /* are popped */
- epOperationBooleanEqual,
- epOperationBooleanNotEqual,
- epOperationBooleanAnd,
- epOperationBooleanOr,
- epOperationBooleanXor,
- epOperationBooleanNot,
- epOperationBooleanToInteger,
- epOperationBooleanToFloat,
- epOperationBooleanToDouble,
- epOperationBooleanToFixed,
- epOperationIntegerAdd,
- epOperationIntegerSubtract,
- epOperationIntegerNegation,
- epOperationIntegerMultiply,
- epOperationIntegerDivide,
- epOperationIntegerImpreciseDivide,
- epOperationIntegerModulo,
- epOperationIntegerShiftLeft,
- epOperationIntegerShiftRight,
- epOperationIntegerGreaterThan,
- epOperationIntegerLessThan,
- epOperationIntegerGreaterThanOrEqual,
- epOperationIntegerLessThanOrEqual,
- epOperationIntegerEqual,
- epOperationIntegerNotEqual,
- epOperationIntegerAbs,
- epOperationIntegerToBoolean,
- epOperationIntegerToFloat,
- epOperationIntegerToDouble,
- epOperationIntegerToFixed,
- epOperationIntegerAnd,
- epOperationIntegerOr,
- epOperationIntegerXor,
- epOperationIntegerNot,
- epOperationTestIntegerNegative,
- epOperationGetSignInteger,
- epOperationFloatAdd,
- epOperationFloatSubtract,
- epOperationFloatNegation,
- epOperationFloatMultiply,
- epOperationFloatDivide,
- epOperationFloatShiftLeft,
- epOperationFloatShiftRight,
- epOperationFloatGreaterThan,
- epOperationFloatLessThan,
- epOperationFloatGreaterThanOrEqual,
- epOperationFloatLessThanOrEqual,
- epOperationFloatEqual,
- epOperationFloatNotEqual,
- epOperationFloatAbs,
- epOperationFloatToBoolean,
- epOperationFloatToInteger,
- epOperationFloatToDouble,
- epOperationFloatToFixed,
- epOperationTestFloatNegative,
- epOperationGetSignFloat,
- epOperationDoubleAdd,
- epOperationDoubleSubtract,
- epOperationDoubleNegation,
- epOperationDoubleMultiply,
- epOperationDoubleDivide,
- epOperationDoubleShiftLeft,
- epOperationDoubleShiftRight,
- epOperationDoubleGreaterThan,
- epOperationDoubleLessThan,
- epOperationDoubleGreaterThanOrEqual,
- epOperationDoubleLessThanOrEqual,
- epOperationDoubleEqual,
- epOperationDoubleNotEqual,
- epOperationDoubleAbs,
- epOperationDoubleToBoolean,
- epOperationDoubleToInteger,
- epOperationDoubleToFloat,
- epOperationDoubleToFixed,
- epOperationDoubleSin,
- epOperationDoubleCos,
- epOperationDoubleTan,
- epOperationDoubleAsin,
- epOperationDoubleAcos,
- epOperationDoubleAtan,
- epOperationDoubleLn,
- epOperationDoubleExp,
- epOperationDoubleSqrt,
- epOperationDoubleSqr,
- epOperationDoublePower,
- epOperationTestDoubleNegative,
- epOperationGetSignDouble,
- epOperationFixedAdd,
- epOperationFixedSubtract,
- epOperationFixedNegation,
- epOperationFixedMultiply,
- epOperationFixedDivide,
- epOperationFixedShiftLeft,
- epOperationFixedShiftRight,
- epOperationFixedGreaterThan,
- epOperationFixedLessThan,
- epOperationFixedGreaterThanOrEqual,
- epOperationFixedLessThanOrEqual,
- epOperationFixedEqual,
- epOperationFixedNotEqual,
- epOperationFixedAbs,
- epOperationFixedToBoolean,
- epOperationFixedToInteger,
- epOperationFixedToFloat,
- epOperationFixedToDouble,
- epOperationFixedAnd,
- epOperationFixedOr,
- epOperationFixedXor,
- epOperationTestFixedNegative,
- epOperationGetSignFixed,
- /* additional operators for converting the data type that isn't on top of stack */
- epOperationBooleanToIntegerBuried, /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- epOperationBooleanToFloatBuried,
- epOperationBooleanToDoubleBuried,
- epOperationBooleanToFixedBuried,
- epOperationIntegerToBooleanBuried,
- epOperationIntegerToFloatBuried,
- epOperationIntegerToDoubleBuried,
- epOperationIntegerToFixedBuried,
- epOperationFloatToBooleanBuried,
- epOperationFloatToIntegerBuried,
- epOperationFloatToDoubleBuried,
- epOperationFloatToFixedBuried,
- epOperationDoubleToBooleanBuried,
- epOperationDoubleToIntegerBuried,
- epOperationDoubleToFloatBuried,
- epOperationDoubleToFixedBuried,
- epOperationFixedToBooleanBuried,
- epOperationFixedToIntegerBuried,
- epOperationFixedToFloatBuried,
- epOperationFixedToDoubleBuried,
- /* these obtain the size of the array on top of stack, replacing the array */
- /* with the size value. */
- epGetBooleanArraySize, /* <opcode> */
- epGetIntegerArraySize,
- epGetFloatArraySize,
- epGetDoubleArraySize,
- epGetFixedArraySize,
- /* array is pushed on stack, then size is pushed on stack. this resizes */
- /* the array, and pops the new size word. */
- epResizeBooleanArray2, /* <opcode> */
- epResizeIntegerArray2,
- epResizeFloatArray2,
- epResizeDoubleArray2,
- epResizeFixedArray2,
- /* store values on stack. the value on top is stored BUT NOT POPPED */
- epStoreIntegerOnStack, /* <opcode> <stackindex> */
- epStoreFloatOnStack,
- epStoreDoubleOnStack,
- epStoreArrayOnStack,
- /* load values. the value is loaded and pushed onto the stack */
- epLoadIntegerFromStack,
- epLoadFloatFromStack,
- epLoadDoubleFromStack,
- epLoadArrayFromStack,
- /* allocate one empty cell on the stack */
- epStackAllocate, /* <opcode> */
- /* deallocate one cell from the stack */
- epStackPop, /* <opcode> */
- /* deallocate several cells from the stack */
- epStackPopMultiple, /* <opcode> <numstackwords> */
- /* deallocate some cells from underneath the top cell */
- epStackDeallocateUnder, /* <opcode> <numwords> */
- /* duplicate word on top of stack */
- epDuplicate, /* <opcode> */
- /* no op */
- epNop, /* <opcode> */
- /* allocate array on stack; size is on stack to start out with */
- epMakeBooleanArray, /* <opcode> */
- epMakeIntegerArray,
- epMakeFloatArray,
- epMakeDoubleArray,
- epMakeFixedArray,
- /* store value into array. value is pushed on stack, then array ref, then */
- /* array subscript. ref and subscript are popped; value remains */
- epStoreBooleanIntoArray2, /* <opcode> */
- epStoreIntegerIntoArray2,
- epStoreFloatIntoArray2,
- epStoreDoubleIntoArray2,
- epStoreFixedIntoArray2,
- /* load from array. array is on stack, then subscript is on top of that. both */
- /* are popped and the value is pushed on the stack. */
- epLoadBooleanFromArray2, /* <opcode> */
- epLoadIntegerFromArray2,
- epLoadFloatFromArray2,
- epLoadDoubleFromArray2,
- epLoadFixedFromArray2,
- /* load an immediate value on to the stack */
- epLoadImmediateInteger, /* <opcode> <integer>; also used for boolean & fixed */
- epLoadImmediateFloat, /* <opcode> ^<float> */
- epLoadImmediateDouble, /* <opcode> ^<double> */
- epLoadImmediateNILArray, /* <opcode> */
- /* get a fixed array corresponding to the named sample */
- epGetSampleLeftArray, /* <opcode> ^"<namestring>" */
- epGetSampleRightArray, /* <opcode> ^"<namestring>" */
- epGetSampleMonoArray, /* <opcode> ^"<namestring>" */
- epGetWaveTableArray, /* <opcode> ^"<namestring>" */
- /* get attributes for wave tables */
- epGetWaveTableFrames, /* <opcode> ^"<namestring>" */
- epGetWaveTableTables /* <opcode> ^"<namestring>" */
- } Pcodes;
- /* these are the data types recognized by the system */
- typedef enum
- {
- eBoolean EXECUTE(= -5152),
- eInteger,
- eFloat,
- eDouble,
- eFixed,
- eArrayOfBoolean,
- eArrayOfInteger,
- eArrayOfFloat,
- eArrayOfDouble,
- eArrayOfFixed
- } DataTypes;
- union OpcodeRec;
- typedef union OpcodeRec OpcodeRec;
- /* publicly declared so we can break up the pcode stuff */
- union OpcodeRec
- {
- Pcodes Opcode;
- double* ImmediateDouble;
- float* ImmediateFloat;
- long ImmediateInteger;
- char* ImmediateString;
- union OpcodeRec* FunctionOpcodeRecPtr;
- DataTypes* DataTypeArray;
- };
- #endif
- struct PcodeRec;
- typedef struct PcodeRec PcodeRec;
- /* allocate a new pseudocode block */
- PcodeRec* NewPcode(void);
- /* release the memory associated with the pseudocode block */
- void DisposePcode(PcodeRec* Pcode);
- /* find out what the address of the next instruction will be */
- long PcodeGetNextAddress(PcodeRec* Pcode);
- /* get the opcode array for a pcode (so we don't have to declare Pcode publicly.) */
- OpcodeRec* GetOpcodeFromPcode(PcodeRec* Pcode);
- /* get the number of cells in the array */
- long GetNumberOfValidCellsInPcode(PcodeRec* Pcode);
- /* put a new opcode array into the pcode. this does not allocate or release any */
- /* memory, but merely updates the pointer. it should not be called by anyone */
- /* except the optimizer. after the optimizer is done, it resizes the array to */
- /* be exactly the size we need. */
- void UpdateOpcodeInPcode(PcodeRec* Pcode, OpcodeRec* NewOpcodeArray,
- long NewNumInstructions);
- /* add a pcode instruction or an operand value */
- MyBoolean AddPcodeInstruction(PcodeRec* Pcode, Pcodes Opcode, long* Index);
- MyBoolean AddPcodeOperandDouble(PcodeRec* Pcode, double ImmediateData);
- MyBoolean AddPcodeOperandFloat(PcodeRec* Pcode, float ImmediateData);
- MyBoolean AddPcodeOperandInteger(PcodeRec* Pcode, long ImmediateData);
- MyBoolean AddPcodeOperandString(PcodeRec* Pcode, char* String, long Length);
- MyBoolean AddPcodeOperandDataTypeArray(PcodeRec* Pcode, DataTypes* DataTypeArray);
- /* resolve a pcode branch whose destination was not known earlier but now is */
- void ResolvePcodeBranch(PcodeRec* Pcode, long Where, long Destination);
- /* unlink references to a function which is soon going to disappear. */
- void PcodeUnlink(PcodeRec* Function, char* DeadFuncName,
- PcodeRec* DeadFuncCode);
- /* get the number of words for the specified instruction opcode */
- long GetInstructionLength(Pcodes OpcodeWord);
- #endif